
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

BANANAS from OUTSIDE AUST ? just 10 -50 cents more than u did before
Not hard is it for a regulatory authority
not unless the govt are opposed t the very idea of interfering .

Should we import bananas.?. Provided we don’t threaten producers greatly in the long and short term why not .We just need a regulatory authority . Do we have a government authority that does that?. The answer is clearly NO . Not at least since the libs stopped believing in the rights, responsibilities and powers of office.
The problem is not the will of the people. it’s the lack of will by governments and the dominating wills of big business.
Every man for himself – its good liberal policy
They trust the market to resolve itself –it’s their lead. Allow the industry to go broke the slow way , the fast way , whatever way but the engaged in the market way .
Any headaches in Innisfail are certainly not the governments problem – they don’t allow themselves to do anything anyway !

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